Family members: 2 adults

Address: YMCA Street- Beit Sahour

Phone number: 2773944

Mobile: 0599212786

Guest privacy: yes

Internet access: yes

Minutes by car to the city center: 2

Minutes by walking to the city center: 10

Minutes from the city center to the university by using public transfer: 5

Minutes by walking from the city to the university: 20

Family members:7 (2 adults, 1 Boy and 4 Girls)

Address: Jabal lewena- Beit Sahour

Phone number: 2755146

Mobile: 0522826884-0569826884

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Guest privacy: yes

Internet access: yes

Minutes by car to the city center: 7

Minutes by walking to the city center: 15-20

Minutes from the city center to the university by using public transfer: 15-20

Minutes by walking from the city to the university: 30-40

Family members: 4 (2 adults and 2 Girls)

Address: YMCA Street- Beit Sahour

Phone number: 2772530

Mobile: 0599678835

Guest privacy: yes

Internet access: yes

Minutes by car to the city center: 5-6

Minutes by walking to the city center: 20

Minutes from the city center to the university by using public transfer: 15-20

Minutes by walking from the city to the university: 60

Family members: 4 (2 adults and 2 Boys)

Address: Al Muntaza Street- Beit Sahour

Phone number: 2757475

Mobile: 0598240174

Guest privacy: yes

Internet access: yes

Minutes by car to the city center: 3

Minutes by walking to the city center: 10

Minutes from the city center to the university by using public transfer: 10-15

Minutes by walking from the city to the university: 20-30

Family members: 2 adults

Address: Waad Abu Saada- Beit Sahour

Phone number: 2775824

Mobile: -

Guest privacy: yes

Internet access: no

Minutes by car to the city center: 2

Minutes by walking to the city center: 2

Minutes from the city center to the university by using public transfer: 10

Minutes by walking from the city to the university: 15

Family members: 5 (2 adults, 2 Boys and 1 Girl)

Address: YMCA Street- Beit Sahour

Phone number: 2773416

Mobile: 0597273069-0597273006

Guest privacy: yes

Internet access: yes

Minutes by car to the city center: 5

Minutes by walking to the city center: 15

Minutes from the city center to the university by using public transfer: 15

Minutes by walking from the city to the university: 60

Family members
: 4 ( 3 adults and 1 kid)

Address: Almalwi Street- Beit Sahour

Phone number: 2774104

Mobile: 0598906582

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Guest privacy: yes

Internet access: yes

Minutes by car to the city center
: 5

Minutes by walking to the city center: 7-10

Minutes from the city center to the university by using public transfer: 7

Minutes by walking from the city to the university: 30

Family members: 4 ( 2 adults and 2 boys)

Address: Alewena Street- Beit Sahour

Phone number: 2773007

Mobile: 0597217743

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Guest privacy: yes

Internet access: yes

Minutes by car to the city center: 3

Minutes by walking to the city center: 5

Minutes from the city center to the university by using public transfer: 10

Minutes by walking from the city to the university: 30